The Abracadabra Strings series
Exciting new tutors from the very basics in whole class, group or individual settings - clear progression, step-by-step development of technique, creative musicianship activities and opportunities to revise and revisit new skills.
Abracabra is available in the following series: Piano/Recorder/Woodwind/Strings/Brass
A unique teacher's resource to accompany the Abracadabra Strings Beginner pupil's books - Violin, Viola, Cello AND Bass.
Contains valuable teaching strategies and ideas to be used in ensembles, mixed string groups, whole class teaching and individual lessons. Also includes musicianship activities and piano accompaniments. This one book covers all four of the pupil's books, making it ideal for the modern instrumental teacher who is increasingly being asked to deliver mixed string group lessons. It will also be particularly valuable for teachers involved in Wider Opportunities schemes.
It is part of the Abracadabra String Beginners series, a new series of string tutors designed to precede the existing Abracadabra books.